Tuesday, June 8, 2010

In the Bush recipe for Tahini - sidetracked

Yesterday in addition to making the Bouillabaise, we needed to make hummus, but we had no Tahini (sesame paste), the essential ingredient. All the recipes call for using a food processor to make the paste of sesame seeds and oil, which we don't have at our house here in Kenya. All you really need is a mortar and pestle and a lot of effort, but not a lot of time. To make just enough tahini for a cup or so of hummus, take a 1/2 cup of sesame seeds, roast them for about 15 minutes in a 350 degree fahrenheit oven on a cookie sheet. Don't let it brown. Then grind until you get a fairly fine powder using the mortar and pestle. We ground and smashed for about 10 minutes, and it was still somewhat course, but we didn't have any energy left. Then add about 1/8 cup or so of olive oil, blend and that's it. Use this with your favorite hummus recipe. It doesn't come out as smooth as the store bought tahini, but fresher and I think much more tasty. If you have a spice mill, you can grind the roasted sesame seeds in the spice mill and then mix with the olive oil in a separate bowl. This recipe is not in "the book".

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