Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Chicken Roti - Bermuda and starting Picadillo

Well, we are still in Bermuda and yesterday, with a little, actually a lot, of help from Ruth our house helper, I put together another great recipe from Aqua Restaurant in Bermuda. Chicken Roti consist of a wonderful curry recipe (onion, garlic, spices of ginger, ground coriander, turmeric, cumin and black pepper). After heating these in oil in a large skillet, a little water and tomato is added, followed by bite-sized pieces of chicken and cut up potatoes. After thoroughly cooked, the curry is then spooned onto hot rotis (or chapatis), garnished with cilantro, rolled up and served hot. Mayling thought it was a super recipe and unique in being served with chapatis instead of rice. It was like an Indian style burrito. Ruth put the recipe in her own book. I was able to get it prepared by noon and placed both the curry and the chapatis in the frig. I just heated up the curry and heated the chapatis on a large skillet before putting the two together. A mixed salad completed the meal. I even had time to sneak out and play tennis with a friend at five in the afternoon, got back at 6:45 and after a "sundowner", we ate about 8pm. Mayling came home from work for lunch today and finished off the remaining curry and chapatis. It was just as good as a leftover, but we had eaten up most of the chicken yesterday. I'll add a little more next time.

A taste of Cuba in Miami

Today (Wednesday), I am skipping the Burmuda Island Coconut Cheesecake, the third Burmuda recipe, until we have some guest over. We really don't need the 3 zillion calories, but it sounds wonderful. Instead I am moving on to Cuban from the Kitchen of the grandmother of Daisy Fuentes, TV Host, resident of Miami with strong family ties to Cuba.

I have really been away from the US for a long time (19 out of the last 21 years), so I am extremely challenged to know any US TV personalities, and I have to admit, I had never heard of Daisy Fuentes. I am probably one of only a few Americans who has never seen "24" or "Lost". We do have a TV at home when we visit, but we don't have cable or satellite. I do remember seeing "Howdy Doody" when I was a kid and the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Well, Daisy provided a couple of her grandmother's Cuban specialities provided for "Caribbean Cooking for a Cause". By he way, the 'Cause' in the title denotes that the proceeds from the book have gone to the Granada Relief Fund to help with recovery from Hurricane Ivan, which struck the island in 2004.

Daisy describes Picadillo as one of her favorites and this is one of the two Cuban recipes included in the book. So, I am starting in a few minutes with dish. I will take a photo of the outcome and download to the blog tomorrow. No help today from Ruth. I sneaked out this morning and played a round of golf with my British friend Ian at the Limuru Golf Club, and Ruth went home at noon to prepare for her boys arrival from school.

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